Social Media Messages

Raise awareness about your arthritis activities and programs by using the Facebook and Twitter messages below. In addition, the CDC Arthritis Infographics page has images that you can use for Instagram channels.


Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month

  • New CDC study finds that 220,000 children and teens have arthritis, which can limit activities by causing joint inflammation, pain, and swelling. Arthritis is also associated with depression and anxiety among children and teens. Parents, teachers, and health care workers can learn more here:
  • 220,000 children and teens in the US have joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and disability from arthritis, according to a new CDC study. The study also found that arthritis is associated with anxiety, depression, and a heart condition among children. Read more about the study and recommendations for public health action here:

Healthy Living with Arthritis Podcast

Stay Up-to-Date on CDC-Recognized Arthritis Interventions with Healthy Living with Arthritis.

Do you work with patients or clients with arthritis? Nearly 1 in 4 adults have had a doctor diagnose them with arthritis, making it one of the main drivers of disability. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes programs for adults with arthritis to help improve their quality of life. Tune in to the latest episode of the CDC’s Healthy Living with Arthritis podcast and learn about proven programs that help manage arthritis! Subscribe now and listen to the latest episode for Arthritis Awareness Month:

Rheumatic Disease  Awareness (observed annually in September)

September is Rheumatic Disease Awareness and Pain Awareness Month. Nearly 1 in 3 adults with arthritis and other rheumatic disease report severe joint pain, which can lower quality of life. Learn more about managing arthritis pain

Arthritis Awareness (observed annually in May)

Arthritis is at an all-time high. 58.5 million adults have it, and more than half are working age. Physical activity and workshops on managing arthritis can help improve symptoms.

In rural America, self-management education workshops are helping people learn non-drug ways to ease arthritis pain and improve overall health.

Mental Health Awareness (observed annually in May)

About 10 million adults with arthritis report anxiety or depression symptoms. Conduct mental health screenings with your arthritis patients and empower them to take care of both their physical and mental health.

Symptoms of anxiety and depression are common among US adults with arthritis. Having these symptoms can reduce the effectiveness of arthritis treatment and decrease quality of life. Ask your arthritis patients about their mental health at their next visit.

Physical Activity and Pain

About 15 million US adults with arthritis report severe joint pain, but nearly a third of adults with arthritis are physically inactive. Talk to your arthritis patients about how low-impact exercise can help reduce joint pain.

Physical activity helps ease severe joint pain for adults with arthritis. Talk to your arthritis patients about incorporating low-impact exercise, like walking and swimming, into their arthritis management plan.

Joint pain can prevent adults with arthritis from doing everyday activities. But exercise can ease arthritis pain. Talk to your arthritis patients about how exercise can help ease arthritis pain and minimize activity limitations.

Exercise helps ease arthritis pain, yet nearly a third of adults with arthritis are physically inactive. Providers can recommend evidence-based physical activity programs that are designed for people of all ages and fitness levels. Learn more.

World Arthritis Day

Each year we observe #WorldArthritisDay on October 12 to recognize the global effect of #arthritis. This year’s theme is [insert current theme] Empower your patients by sharing these four arthritis facts with them:

#WorldArthritisDay is October 12. Join the movement by checking out these four things you should know about #arthritis and sharing it with your patients and colleagues:

En Español

Si sus pacientes están entre los 59 millones de adultos con artritis en los EE. UU., hablen con ellos acerca de los beneficios de la actividad física y de los programas basados en la evidencia, reconocidos por los CDC, para el manejo de la artritis y de las enfermedades crónicas. Más información:

Nuevos datos en muestran que la cantidad de adultos con artritis en los EE. UU. aumentó a 59 millones. Habla con tu médico sobre cómo manejar la artritis con actividad física y programas contra la artritis basados en la evidencia y reconocidos por los CDC. Más información:

 Top of Page


Healthy Living with Arthritis Podcast

May is Arthritis Awareness Month! Join the conversation on managing arthritis and other chronic diseases by subscribing to the Healthy Living with Arthritis podcast. Listen and learn how to take control of symptoms this summer. Subscribe here

May is Arthritis Awareness Month! Don’t let arthritis and other chronic disease symptoms stop you from living your best life this summer. Act now and listen to the Healthy Living with Arthritis podcast. Read more here:

Rheumatic Disease  Awareness (observed annually in September)

September is Rheumatic Disease Awareness Month. Nearly 1 in 3 US adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis, a common rheumatic disease, have severe joint pain. Learn more for #RheumaticDiseaseMonth

Arthritis Awareness and Mental Health Awareness Month (observed annually in May)

Almost 1 in 5 US adults with arthritis reports feeling anxious or depressed. Talk to your doctor about your mental health. #ArthritisAwarenessMonth #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth

If you have arthritis and are feeling down or worried, you are not alone. Almost 1 in 5 adults with arthritis have symptoms of anxiety or depression. #ArthritisAwarenessMonth #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth

Having symptoms of depression and anxiety can reduce the benefits of arthritis treatment and decrease quality of life. The good news is that improving your #MentalHealth can help reduce pain. #ArthritisAwarenessMonth

Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month (observed annually in July)

Arthritis affects 220,000 children and teens, according to a new CDC study. Arthritis was associated with anxiety, depression, and a heart condition among children. Parents and health care workers can learn more here:

Arthritis affects 220,000 children and teens, according to a new CDC study. Arthritis was associated with anxiety, depression, and a heart condition among children. Learn more here:

Summer is for playing and recreation, but did you know that children and adolescents can get arthritis? Learn more about the signs and symptoms on the CDC Childhood Arthritis page.  #JuvenileArthritisAwareness

Children ages 6 to 17 need at least an hour of physical activity day, but childhood arthritis can make recreational activities hard. Learn more about #JuvenileArthritis on the CDC Childhood Arthritis page.

Although the exact cause of childhood arthritis is still not known, you can still learn about the signs and symptoms childhood arthritis on the CDC Childhood Arthritis page. #JuvenileArthritisAwareness #JuvenileArthritis

Did you know that childhood arthritis can cause permanent physical damage to joints? Learn more about the signs and symptoms of #JuvenileArthritis and what you can do on the CDC Childhood Arthritis page.  #JuvenileArthritisAwareness

Sports teach children the skills they need to succeed in life, but #JuvenileArthritis can make activities hard. July is #JuvenileArthritisAwareness month, and you can learn more about the signs and symptoms on the CDC Childhood Arthritis page.

Pain Awareness Month and Physical Activity Promotion

Exercise can help reduce arthritis pain. But nearly a third of adults with arthritis are physically inactive. Learn more about physical activity and managing arthritis pain. #PainAwarenessMonth

If you have arthritis and severe joint pain, low-impact exercise may help. Learn more about the connection between physical activity and managing arthritis pain for #PainAwarenessMonth.

Severe joint pain may make everyday activities nearly impossible for adults living with arthritis. The good news is that doing low-impact physical activity like walking and swimming may help. #PainAwarenessMonth

If you have arthritis, getting physical activity doesn’t have to be hard. Learn more about low-impact physical activity and how it may help reduce joint pain. #PainAwarenessMonth

World Arthritis Day

#WorldArthritisDay is October 12. Join the movement by checking out these four things you should know about #arthritis and sharing it with loved ones and health care providers:

Arthritis is not limited to older adults. The majority of US adults with #arthritis are of working age (18 to 64) and may have limitations that affect their ability to work. Learn more arthritis facts here: #WorldArthritisDay.

If you have #arthritis, self-management is essential to coping with symptoms and having a better quality of life. Self-management is what YOU do day-to-day to manage your condition and stay healthy. Learn more: #WorldArthritisDay.

Arthritis is common, but did you know you can lower your risk of getting #arthritis or having worsening symptoms with lifestyle changes like eating healthy, getting active, and quitting smoking? Empower yourself with arthritis knowledge: #WorldArthritisDay.

Arthritis Prevalence (as of October 2021)

A new report finds the number of US adults with arthritis increased from 54.4 million to 58.5 million. Learn more about managing arthritis and related symptoms at the CDC Arthritis website.

#NewData show that 1 in 4 US adults—that’s nearly 59 million—have #arthritis. Check out the CDC Arthritis website to learn how physical activity can help mitigate arthritis symptoms.

New CDC data show that 1 in 10 US adults are limited in their everyday activities due to #arthritis. Learn how physical activity can help mitigate pain, and talk to your doctor about your exercise options.

#NewData show that arthritis is on the rise in the US, and 27 million US adults are limited in their everyday activities by #arthritis. Learn more about mitigating arthritis symptoms.

Activities for Adults with Arthritis

Did you know that walking is the most common activity for physically active US adults living with #arthritis? Learn more about the other most common physical activities for US adults with arthritis. /3Fp5uxg

Walking is a low-cost, low-impact, and convenient physical activity for adults with arthritis. And 7 in 10 adults with arthritis engage in walking for exercise, according to a new CDC report. Read more here.

To get the most benefits from physical activity, adults with arthritis should engage in joint-friendly aerobic, muscle strengthening, flexibility, and balance exercises. Check out the CDC Arthritis website to learn more.

A new report finds that 7 in 10 physically active adults with arthritis walk for exercise. Arthritis-appropriate low-impact physical activity is a great way to manage arthritis! Learn more here.

Remotely Delivered CDC-Recognized Programs

You can manage arthritis and other chronic diseases with evidence-based physical activity programs. These programs are even effective when delivered remotely. Learn more at the CDC Arthritis website.

Remotely delivered programming for arthritis and chronic disease management is here! Learn more about these physical activity programs that are effective when delivered remotely at the CDC Arthritis website.

CDC recognizes remotely delivered arthritis and chronic disease physical activity programs that help adults manage their conditions. Check them out now at the CDC Arthritis website.

Providers, the CDC Arthritis Management and Wellbeing program now recognizes remotely delivered arthritis and chronic disease programming that helps adults of various physical abilities manage their conditions. Learn more at the CDC Arthritis website.

Remotely delivered chronic disease programming that is effective is now here! Learn how remotely delivered programming can help adults manage arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes at the CDC Arthritis website.

Providers: The in-person programs for managing arthritis and chronic conditions are now available remotely to help keep people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more at the CDC Arthritis website.

En Español

Los síntomas de depresión y de ansiedad pueden reducir los beneficios del tratamiento de la artritis y la calidad de vida. La buena noticia es que el mejoramiento de tu #SaludMental puede ayudar a reducir el dolor. #MesDeLaHerenciaHispana #HHM

Más de 1 de cada 5 adultos con artritis informan sentirse ansiosos o deprimidos. Habla con tu médico sobre tu salud mental. #MesDeLaHerenciaHispana #HispanicHeritageMonth

Proveedores: La ansiedad y la depresión son comunes en adultos con artritis en los EE. UU.  Los síntomas pueden reducir la eficacia del tratamiento de la artritis y la calidad de vida. Pregunten a sus pacientes con artritis sobre su salud mental.

Nuevos datos muestran que 1 de cada 4 adultos en los EE. UU. —casi 59 millones— tiene #artritis y 1 de cada 10 tiene limitaciones en sus actividades debido a la artritis. Infórmate sobre el aumento de la artritis y cómo manejar los síntomas

Casi 59 millones de adultos en los EE. UU. tienen artritis en este momento, ¡y la tasa va en aumento! Las actividades de fortalecimiento muscular, de bajo costo, pueden ayudar con el dolor y la rigidez. Si nunca hiciste fortalecimiento muscular ni otros tipos de actividad física, habla primero con tu proveedor de atención médica

Veterans Day

Arthritis is more common among #veterans than nonveterans. Fortunately, there are low-cost and free physical activity programs that can help veterans manage their arthritis and other chronic conditions. #VeteransDay

Did you know that arthritis is more common among #veterans? Traumatic and overuse injuries during active duty are some reasons why. For #VeteransDay learn more about helping improve quality of life for veterans with arthritis

Arthritis is frequently reported among veterans, and 4 in 10 report pain, aching, and stiffness in and around the joints. For #VeteransDay, talk to your doctor about the best way to manage arthritis and honor your health

Traumatic and overuse injuries are common reasons why #veterans may develop arthritis. CDC recognizes several proven programs that can help veterans manage arthritis and related symptoms. #VeteransDay

Arthritis is more common among #veterans, and 4 in 10 veterans report pain, aching, or stiffness in and around joints. For #VeteransDay, learn more about veterans and arthritis, as well CDC-recognized programs that can help manage arthritis and related pain

Providers: Veterans across all sociodemographic groups are frequently affected by arthritis and joint pain. For #VeteransDay, check out these free or low-cost CDC recognized programs that help manage arthritis and pain