Adult Alcohol Use Statistics

Early Release

Alcohol use is among the topics covered by the Early Release Program which publishes selected estimates from the NHIS on a quarterly basis and shows trends. To access statistics on alcohol use, go to Early Release Reports on Key Health Indicators and click on the data year of interest (full or partial). Scroll down to “9. Alcohol Consumption.”

Tables of Summary Health Statistics

Beginning with data year 2013, Tables of Summary Health Statistics from the National Health Interview Survey are released as online-only tables and replace the Series 10 report format. The Summary Health Statistics section of the NHIS website includes the adult health behavior tables which were also previously released as Series 10 reports.

Series 10 Reports

Alcohol use estimates from the NHIS were published in selected NCHS Series 10 reports, including “Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Adults” (published annually) and “Health Behaviors of Adults,” (published tri-annually.) Series 10 reports were discontinued in 2013.

NCHS Data Briefs

Data Briefs are statistical publications that provide information about current public health topics, including alcohol use, in a straightforward format.

National Health Statistics Reports

This report series, introduced by NCHS in June 2008, replaced the Advance Data Reports series. These reports provide annual data summaries, present analyses of health topics, or present new information on methods or measurement issues.

Advance Data Reports

Alcohol statistics have been published in selected reports. Review report titles to identify reports of interest. This report series was discontinued mid-year 2008 and was replaced with the National Health Statistics Reports series.

Health, United States

This annual report to Congress contains several tables showing estimates of alcohol use based on data from the NHIS Sample Adult interview. Go to the most recent edition of Health, United States. Go to the PDF document titled “Trend tables.” Then go to the section entitled “Health Determinants and Measures of Health.” These files are large and may take some time to download.

Healthy People 2010

Substance Abuse (including alcohol use) was Focus Area #26.

Healthy People 2020

Substance Abuse (including alcohol use) is among the national health objectives for the year 2020.

Surgeon General Reports

The Surgeon General of the Public Health Service has focused the Nation’s attention on important public health issues. In 2016, the Surgeon General issued a report entitled “Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health.”

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR)

Alcohol use among adults is among the topics covered by the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR).

National Vital Statistics Reports (NVSR)

Alcohol-induced mortality is among the topics covered in the National Vital Statistics Reports (NVSR). Click on the link above and search for “alcohol”.  This report series was initiated in 1998. It replaced the Monthly Vital Statistics (MVSR) series.

Monthly Vital Statistics Reports (MVSR)

This series was discontinued in 1998 and was replaced with the National Vital Statistics (NVSR) series.

CDC Vital Signs – Alcohol Use

Vital signs is a monthly report from CDC that focuses on important public health issues. Alcohol use is among the topics covered periodically.